Reading my Facebook memories, I found this post. It moved me and convicted me again yesterday, so I thought I’d share it again. 👇

I have a tradition of reading the story of Jesus from different books of the Bible around Christmas.
This morning, I read the story from the book of Luke while sitting by a warm fire and watching the snowfall. It was truly magical.
Amid the beautiful setting, one thing stood out to me so clearly: Mary’s response to the angel telling her she would have a son—even though she was a virgin.
Her reply? “I am the Lord’s servant.”
She had just been told she would have a baby, even though she wasn’t married and hadn’t been with Joseph. I can’t even imagine what was going through her mind. But instead of fear or resistance, she simply said, “I am the Lord’s servant.” Wow.
How I wish this could be my response to being a special needs mom and to every other hardship or challenge that comes my way.
Too often, I’m more like my toddler—kicking, screaming, and asking, “Why me?”
There’s so much we can learn from Mary and her unwavering trust in God.
This morning, I’m reminding myself that my ultimate goal is to serve our good, fearless, and gracious Father, who wants nothing but the best for His children.
When we choose to follow Him, He always shows up—faithful and present. He certainly did for us today.
What about you?